Thursday, July 14, 2022


Out of respect for your time, my name is Maria Ramos. Born in Lisbon, Portugal, but my
late parents immigrated to South Africa when I was 6 years old. I am a businesswoman,
banker and corporate executive. Kindly, you can research me to know more about me if
you will. I know this may come to you as a surprise because you do not know me, but I
sincerely need your trust and assistance urgently because of my present health condition -
I am suffering from cancer (long-term illness). It is my desire to have a genuine personal
relationship with you.

I require your help to help me carry out my last wish of distributing my funds to various
charitable organizations around you. I deposited the sum of us $10.5M (Ten million, Five
Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) with a finance/bank in South Africa where I
reside now. I have worked hard all my life and donated to a lot of charitable organizations
in my community and neighboring countries too. However, I want to help across
international borders too as god directs me before I pass on.

This inspiration was sparked after watching a YouTube video online about Jon huntsman
of the USA, who survived cancer multiple times and donated endlessly toward the issue of
cancer. He donated over a billion United States dollars of his money towards helping the
less privileged all over the world.

Suffering from cancer of the breast; my doctor informed me that due to my poor health
condition, I would not be able to stay alive past the next few months. Having known my
condition, I decided to donate these funds to different charitable organizations through
you in your country. I prayed about this and, I have confidence in my decision. I will
compensate you and your family with 40% of the $10.5M for your efforts, if you can help
me carry out my last wish.

Kidly reply me here:
Ms. Maria Ramos

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