Wednesday, December 18, 2013


From: Mrs. Busi Mouka.
120 Sun hills Ransburg East
Johannesburg South Africa.

Good Day

This may appear a bit surprising to you but very beneficial as a matter of urgent am desperately looking for a foreign partner whom I can trust to handle some investment or fund movement. I am Mrs. Busi Mouka, wife of late Mr. Anthony Mouka, who was murdered by the Zimbabwean veterans and irate black people.

I am writing from South Africa. I got your address from the consultancy directory during my search for a reliable and honest person to transact this business with you. I write to solicit for your special assistance to a family shattered by a tyrannical government led by a dictator and his (ZANU-PF) ruling party-president Robert Mugabe, Because of land and farmland crisis in Zimbabwe, the government secretly sponsored the war veterans and some irate party members to dispossess the land being occupied by white farmers.

This action has led to the killing of some members of opposition party including my husband (Mr. Anthony Mouka) But before the death of my husband, he anticipated some dangers and so he deposited the sum of US$31.5Million (Thirty One Million Five Hundred Thousand United States Dollars) in the name of our only son Fredrick Mouka, with the help of a reputable Security and Finance Company in South Africa with the intention of using it to open fertilizer manufacturing company among other companies in our neighbouring country (Swaziland) after his university education. the war veterans and some supporters of (ZANU-PF) ruling party trooped into our compound and axed him (my husband) to death. Since then, they have been terrorizing my only son, Mr. Brain Mouka, but we managed to escape to a neighbouring country, South Africa as a political asylum seeker (refugee) However, our position in South Africa does not permit us to open an account or run any huge financial business.
That is why I want this fund to be transferred to your country or any place that will be 100% secure for us so that you will assist him to invest it in your country. Hence, if you agree to assist us, we will offer you 25% of the money for your assistance, 5% will be for the possible expenses incurred in the process of this transaction, while 70% will be for our family investment in your country under your close supervision. I need your urgent and confidential response so that I will inform you on how we can proceed with the help of a financial adviser who will assist in all the legal process of the transaction.

Kindly contact my son Brain Mouka
Tel +27-78-826-0868
Best Regards,
Mrs.Busi Mouka

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