Friday, February 24, 2012

I will give you details as soon as you reach me.

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am Mr.Bob Williams,a Manager with a Commercial Bank,I was personally in charge of the deposit made by one of our customer late Mr.Mark,who till his death was a contractor with Our Government and the Ports Authority.

On the 21st of April 2009,Mr.Mark,his wife and their two children were involved in a boat capsize and all occupants of the boat unfortunately lost their lives.

At the time of his death,he had a deposit of Twenty Million Six Hundred Thousand Dollars Only($20.6M) which was proceed of a contract work he just concluded with The Ports Authority before the unfortunate incident.

Unfortunately,till this moment no person has come as his relation for this deposit with us.

I humbly request your attention to this matter so that I can present you as his next of kin and beneficiary to this deposit.

It is not a very difficult thing to do and it will not take time.

I may also be reached on my cell number for more details +233544061333.

I will give you details as soon as you reach me.

Kind Regards.
Bob Williams.

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