Monday, September 23, 2019

From Mrs. Susan

Dear Sir/Madam

My Name is Mrs. Susan Machilo; I know this will be a surprise to you.
Please consider this message as a request from a family in dares need
of your help. I am the Wife of late Mr. Jacob Machilo ,from Sudan
Darfour, My husband Mr. Jacob Machilo , was the owner of Osara Seafood
Industry in Darfur region and a Farm Land in Darfour region and
supplier of Central African Countries with sea food till the
Government find out that Darfour region was rich on Oil and Mineral
Resources which was discovered by an individual Group called
Organization Rebel Movement.

The Government and Rebel Movement are fighting over who will inherit
the Darfur region because of the Oil discovered and Rebel Movement are
killing all the people in Darfur region to enable them inherit the
land, and my husband was murdered and Sea Food Industry was burnt
down. Before then, my husband had moved (US$40m) forty Million United
States Dollars) to South Africa for establishment of another branch
in Southern Africa, the Fund was deposited in a private Security &
Finance Company in the name of my son Mr. James Machilo as the

My husband was killed because of the Oil discovered in our Farm Land
since the murderer's, Rebel Movement believed once my husband is
killed they will have no challenge in taking over the Land. Now the
Rebel Movement turned against us looking for the remaining existing
family We decided to leave Darfur to South Africa, Now all the
documents issued when the consignment was deposited has been handed
over to our family Lawyer in South Africa who assisted my late husband
when the consignment was safely deposited.

The financial laws in South Africa on Refugees do not warrant us to
invest the funds here as we cannot operate any bank account that is
why we decided to look for a Foreign Partner who will assist us in
moving the funds out of South Africa for my family investment. We
have decided to offer you 30% of the total amount, 5% mapped out to
defray all expenses that will be incurred during the process of
the transaction, while the remaining 65% will be for my family and
will be invested in your country under your management.

Please kindly contact my son Mr. James Machilo. With the bellow Email
address Email:
Phone: No +27812598889
Looking forward to hearing from you soonest.
God bless you Abundantly Yours Truly,
Mrs. Susan Machilo

Friday, September 6, 2019

Change your password immediately. Your account has been hacked.

I greet you!

I have bad news for you.
11/06/2019 - on this day I hacked your operating system and got full access to your account

It is useless to change the password, my malware intercepts it every time.

How it was:
In the software of the router to which you were connected that day, there was a vulnerability.
I first hacked this router and placed my malicious code on it.
When you entered in the Internet, my trojan was installed on the operating system of your device.

After that, I made a full dump of your disk (I have all your address book, history of viewing sites, all files, phone numbers and addresses of all your contacts).

A month ago, I wanted to lock your device and ask for a small amount of money to unlock.
But I looked at the sites that you regularly visit, and came to the big delight of your favorite resources.
I'm talking about sites for adults.

I want to say - you are a big pervert. You have unbridled fantasy!

After that, an idea came to my mind.
I made a screenshot of the intimate website where you have fun (you know what it is about, right?).
After that, I took off your joys (using the camera of your device). It turned out beautifully, do not hesitate.

I am strongly belive that you would not like to show these pictures to your relatives, friends or colleagues.
I think $747 is a very small amount for my silence.
Besides, I spent a lot of time on you!

I accept money only in Bitcoins.
My BTC wallet: 1PKQvF9qK3zuB8KVwmDVDUxtpUVfE1P6fp

You do not know how to replenish a Bitcoin wallet?
In any search engine write "how to send money to btc wallet".
It's easier than send money to a credit card!

For payment you have a little more than two days (exactly 50 hours).
Do not worry, the timer will start at the moment when you open this letter. Yes, yes .. it has already started!

After payment, my virus and dirty photos with you self-destruct automatically.
Narrative, if I do not receive the specified amount from you, then your device will be blocked, and all your contacts will receive a photos with your "joys".

I want you to be prudent.
- Do not try to find and destroy my virus! (All your data is already uploaded to a remote server)
- Do not try to contact me (this is not feasible, I sent you an email from your account)
- Various security services will not help you; formatting a disk or destroying a device will not help either, since your data is already on a remote server.

P.S. I guarantee you that I will not disturb you again after payment, as you are not my single victim.
This is a hacker code of honor.

From now on, I advise you to use good antiviruses and update them regularly (several times a day)!

Don't be mad at me, everyone has their own work.